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  No properties link to this page. Philip Bialowitz (auch Filip Bialowicz odePhilip Bialowitz (auch Filip Bialowicz oder Fiszel Bialowicz; * 25. November 1929 in Izbica, Polen; † 6. August 2016 in Delray Beach, Florida) war ein amerikanischer Juwelier polnisch-jüdischer Herkunft. Er gehörte zu den namentlich bekannten 47 Überlebenden des Vernichtungslagers Sobibór im heutigen Polen und nahm aktiv am dortigen Aufstand am 14. Oktober 1943 teil. Laut Jules Schelvis überlebte er nur dadurch den Holocaust. Er war in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren Zeuge für die Sobibor-Prozesse sowie 2010 im Prozess gegen John Demjanjuk und setzte sich 2013 für eine neue Sobibór-Gedenkstätte ein. Bialowitz galt bis zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes als der letzte verbliebene polnischstämmige Jude, der am Aufstand von Sobibór selbst beteiligt war und ihn überlebte.ór selbst beteiligt war und ihn überlebte. , Philip Bialowitz (Izbica, 1925 - Flórida, Philip Bialowitz (Izbica, 1925 - Flórida, 6 de agosto de 2016) foi um sobrevivente do Holocausto e lutador de resistência polonês. Ele foi o último sobrevivente judeu polonês do campo de extermínio de Sobibor. Bialowitz foi levado a Sobibor em abril de 1943, e ouviu rapidamente sobre suas irmãs e sobrinha sendo intoxicados por gás até a morte. Ele creditou sua sobrevivência ao irmão Simcha - Simcha dizia que era farmacêutico, e Philip era seu assistente. Ele recebeu a incumbência de realizar tarefas servis, como barbear outros prisioneiros enquanto evitava ser executado. Os prisioneiros frequentemente acreditavam que eles estavam sendo purificados ao invés de enviados às câmaras de extermínio. Certa vez seu trabalho foi de empilhar corpos em vagões de trem. Ele tentou puxar uma mulher do trem, mas sua pele grudou nas mãos dele, divertindo seu superintendente nazista. Ele e seu irmão fizeram parte de uma rebelião em 14 de outubro de 1943, libertando 300 dos prisioneiros. Ele ouviu um dos líderes da revolta pedir que, se libertado, ele devia testemunhar sobre o campo de concentração. Prisioneiros de guerra russos ensinaram aos judeus como lutar. Bialowitz serviu como mensageiro, avisando aos oficiais da SS que eles tinham casacos e botas de couro para eles. Quando os oficiais foram ao local determinado, os rebeldes mataram onze deles com facas e machados. Bialowitz, então, pulou o arame farpado e correu em direção aos quartéis alemães a fim de cortar a eletricidade. Depois de escapar do campo de concentração, ele chegou ao distrito de Lublin com seu irmão e outros prisioneiros. Eles se abrigaram com um casal católico, Michał e Maria Mazurek, que escondeu eles até a chegada do Exército Vermelho. Cerca de 50 fugitivos sobreviveram até o fim da guerra.ugitivos sobreviveram até o fim da guerra. , Philip Bialowitz, j. pol. Filip Białowicz Philip Bialowitz, j. pol. Filip Białowicz (ur. 25 listopada 1929 w Izbicy, zm. 6 sierpnia 2016 w Delray Beach) – polski weteran II wojny światowej pochodzenia żydowskiego, były więzień obozu zagłady SS-Sonderkommando Sobibor i uczestnik powstania więźniów tego obozu, autor wspomnień z czasów Holocaustu. Po wojnie osiadł w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Po wojnie osiadł w Stanach Zjednoczonych. , Philip Bialowitz (en polonais : Filip Białowicz, né le 25 novembre 1925 ou 1929 à Izbica, mort le 6 août 2016) est un résistant et survivant de la Shoah. Il est le dernier survivant Juif polonais du camp d'extermination de Sobibor. , Philip Bialowitz (December 25, 1925 in IzbPhilip Bialowitz (December 25, 1925 in Izbica – August 6, 2016) was a Polish Holocaust survivor and resistance fighter. Bialowitz was transported to Sobibor in April 1943 and quickly heard that his sisters and niece had been murdered in the gas chambers there. He credited his brother Simcha with saving his life, since when he arrived at the camp Simcha said he was a pharmacist and that Philip was his assistant. He was given the role of "working Jew", doing menial tasks such as shaving prisoners while avoiding being executed. The prisoners often believed they were merely being deloused instead of sent to extermination chambers. One day his task was to empty piles of dead bodies from train cars. He tried to pull a woman from the train but her skin stuck to his hands, amusing his Nazi overseer. He and his brother joined a rebellion on October 14, 1943, which overpowered the Nazis and freed 300 of their prisoners. He heard one of the revolt's leaders say as they stood on a table, "If you survive, bear witness! Tell the world about this place!" Russian prisoners of war showed the Jews how to fight. Bialowitz served as the messenger, telling SS officers that they had boots and leather coats for them. When they came, the resisters killed eleven of them with knives and axes. Bialowitz recalled jumping over the barbed wire to run towards German officers quarters in order to cut off the electricity. After escaping the extermination camp, he wandered Lublin District with his brother and other survivors. They eventually found shelter with a Catholic couple named Michał and Maria Mazurek, who hid them in their barn until the Red Army arrived. Only about 50 escapees survived to the end of the war. He was trained by a former Nazi doctor to be a dental assistant. After the war he married and had children while pushing for the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. Bialowitz moved to Columbus, Ohio. He eventually settled in New York and worked as a jeweler. Along with fellow survivor Thomas Blatt, he was one of the witnesses for the prosecution at the trial of John Demjanjuk in 2010. He wrote the acclaimed book, A Promise at Sobibor, which detailed his early life growing up in Poland, his experience during World War II, and his postwar life. Later in life, he traveled around the world lecturing about the Holocaust and his personal experiences. Bialowitz often said that he had "a mission to perform." He died in Florida on August 6, 2016, at the age of 90.orida on August 6, 2016, at the age of 90. , Philip Bialowitz, nato Fiszel Bialowitz (Izbica, 25 dicembre 1925 – Delray Beach, 6 agosto 2016), è stato uno scrittore e superstite dell'Olocausto polacco naturalizzato statunitense, uno dei pochi superstiti del campo di sterminio di Sobibór. + + 51294120 5723 1065415537 + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + + , + , + , + , + + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + + + + +
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rdfs:comment Philip Bialowitz (en polonais : Filip Białowicz, né le 25 novembre 1925 ou 1929 à Izbica, mort le 6 août 2016) est un résistant et survivant de la Shoah. Il est le dernier survivant Juif polonais du camp d'extermination de Sobibor. , Philip Bialowitz (auch Filip Bialowicz odePhilip Bialowitz (auch Filip Bialowicz oder Fiszel Bialowicz; * 25. November 1929 in Izbica, Polen; † 6. August 2016 in Delray Beach, Florida) war ein amerikanischer Juwelier polnisch-jüdischer Herkunft. Er gehörte zu den namentlich bekannten 47 Überlebenden des Vernichtungslagers Sobibór im heutigen Polen und nahm aktiv am dortigen Aufstand am 14. Oktober 1943 teil. Laut Jules Schelvis überlebte er nur dadurch den Holocaust. Er war in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren Zeuge für die Sobibor-Prozesse sowie 2010 im Prozess gegen John Demjanjuk und setzte sich 2013 für eine neue Sobibór-Gedenkstätte ein. Bialowitz galt bis zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes als der letzte verbliebene polnischstämmige Jude, der am Aufstand von Sobibór selbst beteiligt war und ihn überlebte.ór selbst beteiligt war und ihn überlebte. , Philip Bialowitz (December 25, 1925 in IzbPhilip Bialowitz (December 25, 1925 in Izbica – August 6, 2016) was a Polish Holocaust survivor and resistance fighter. Bialowitz was transported to Sobibor in April 1943 and quickly heard that his sisters and niece had been murdered in the gas chambers there. He credited his brother Simcha with saving his life, since when he arrived at the camp Simcha said he was a pharmacist and that Philip was his assistant. He was given the role of "working Jew", doing menial tasks such as shaving prisoners while avoiding being executed. The prisoners often believed they were merely being deloused instead of sent to extermination chambers. One day his task was to empty piles of dead bodies from train cars. He tried to pull a woman from the train but her skin stuck to his hands, amusing his Nazi overseeuck to his hands, amusing his Nazi oversee , Philip Bialowitz (Izbica, 1925 - Flórida, 6 de agosto de 2016) foi um sobrevivente do Holocausto e lutador de resistência polonês. Ele foi o último sobrevivente judeu polonês do campo de extermínio de Sobibor. , Philip Bialowitz, j. pol. Filip Białowicz Philip Bialowitz, j. pol. Filip Białowicz (ur. 25 listopada 1929 w Izbicy, zm. 6 sierpnia 2016 w Delray Beach) – polski weteran II wojny światowej pochodzenia żydowskiego, były więzień obozu zagłady SS-Sonderkommando Sobibor i uczestnik powstania więźniów tego obozu, autor wspomnień z czasów Holocaustu. Po wojnie osiadł w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Po wojnie osiadł w Stanach Zjednoczonych. , Philip Bialowitz, nato Fiszel Bialowitz (Izbica, 25 dicembre 1925 – Delray Beach, 6 agosto 2016), è stato uno scrittore e superstite dell'Olocausto polacco naturalizzato statunitense, uno dei pochi superstiti del campo di sterminio di Sobibór.
rdfs:label Philip Bialowitz
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