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  No properties link to this page. Batak mythology is the original belief thaBatak mythology is the original belief that was once adopted by the Batak people of North Sumatra, Indonesia, namely before the arrival of Protestant, Catholic, or Islamic religions. There are various tarombo (ancestor myth) versions written on pustaha (ancient books) which historians study, but generally refer to the figures below. In this belief, the highest god who made the universe and everything in it was Debata (Ompung) Mulajadi na Bolon, who reigned in the sky. Apart from being the ruler of the upper world, Debata Mulajadi na Bolon was also the ruler of the middle world, and the underworld of the spirits, but there he was called by other names. As the ruler of the middle world, he was called Silaon na Bolon, and as the ruler of the world of the spirits, he was called Pane na Bolon. The first creation of Debata Mulajadi na Bolon was Manukmanuk Hulambujati, a magical chicken with an iron-beaked and shinny braceleted-claws. Manukmanuk Hulambujati then laid three eggs, each egg gave rise to gods named Debata Batara Guru, Debata Sorisohaliapan, and Debata Balabulan, who were then summoned together as Debata na Tolu. Si Boru Deak Parujar, the daughter of Debata Batara Guru, was the first heavenly creature that descended to earth, namely in a mountain called Pusuk Buhit. On earth, Si Boru Deak Parujar married Raja Odapodap, which also came from one of Manukmanuk Hulambujati later eggs. Their first child was shaped round like an egg, not similar at all to humans, then Debata Mulajadi na Bolon told them to bury it, where out of it came plants that spread on the surface of the earth. Therefore, the plants were seen as the older sibling of humans in the Batak myth. Next, male–female twins were born, called Raja Ihat Manisia and Boru Ihat Manisia. After Raja Ihat Manisia and Boru Ihat Manisia became adults, the two then got married and gave rise to all other humans, including the eponymous ancestor of the Batak people named Si Raja Batak. Si Boru Deak Parujar and Raja Odapodap then returned to the sky after their two children got married, and since then the connection between heaven and earth has been broken off, unlike before. earth has been broken off, unlike before. , A mitologia Batak é a crença original que A mitologia Batak é a crença original que uma vez foi adotada pelo povo Batak deSumatra Setentrional, Indonésia, nomeadamente antes da chegada das religiões protestantes, católicas ou islâmicas. Existem váriosversões do tarombo (mito dos ancestrais) escritas em pustaha (livros antigos) que os historiadores estudam, mas geralmente se referem às figuras abaixo. Nessa crença, o deus mais elevado que criou o universo e tudo existente nele foi Debata (Ompung) Mulajadi na Bolon, que reinou no céu. Debata Mulajadi na Bolon era também o governante do mundo médio e o submundo dos espíritos, mas lá ele era chamado por outros nomes. Como o governante do mundo do meio, ele era chamado de Silaon na Bolon, e como o governante do mundo dos espíritos, ele era chamado de Pane na Bolon. A primeira criação de Debata Mulajadi na Bolon foi Manukmanuk Hulambujati, um frango mágico com garras de bracelete, bico de ferro e brilhantes. Manukmanuk Hulambujati então colocou três ovos, cada um dos ovos deu origem a deuses chamados de Debata Batara Guru, Debata Sorisohaliapan e Debata Balabulan, que foram então invocados uma vez juntos como Debata na Tolu. Segundo a mitologia, Si Boru Deak Parujar, a filha do deus e governante Debata Batara Guru, foi a primeira criatura celestial que desceu até a terra, nomeadamente numa montanha chamada "Pusuk Buhit". Na terra, Si Boru Deak Parujar se casou com Raja Odapodap, que também veio de um dos ovos mais tarde postos de Manukmanuk Hulambujati. O primeiro filho deles foi moldado como um ovo, não parecido com os seres humanos, entãoDebata Mulajadi na Bolon disse-lhes para enterrá-lo, de onde vieram as plantas que se espalharam na superfície da terra. Portanto, as plantas eram vistas como o irmão mais velho dos humanos no mito de Batak. Em seguida, nasceram gêmeos macho-fêmea, chamados Raja Ihat Manisia e Boru Ihat Manisia.dos Raja Ihat Manisia e Boru Ihat Manisia. , Mitologi Batak adalah kepercayaan tradisioMitologi Batak adalah kepercayaan tradisional akan dewa-dewi yang dianut oleh orang Batak. Agama Batak tradisional sudah hampir menghilang pada saat ini, begitu juga dengan mitologi Batak. Kepercayaan Batak tradisional terbentuk sebelum datangnya agama Islam dan Kristen oleh dua unsur yaitu megalitik kuno dan unsur Hindu yang membentuk kebudayaan Batak. Pengaruh dari India dapat terlihat dari elemen-elemen kepercayaan seperti asal usul dunia, mitos penciptaan, keberadaan jiwa serta bahwa jiwa tetap ada meskipun orang telah meninggal dan sebagainya.ipun orang telah meninggal dan sebagainya. , أساطير الباتاك (بالإنجليزية: Batak mytholoأساطير الباتاك (بالإنجليزية: Batak mythology)‏، ميثولوجيا الباتاك في سومطرة هي دين تقليدي اختفى اليوم. ولكن الكتب عنه تبين أن شعب باتاك في سومطرة قبل دخولهم الإسلام أو المسيحية كانوا يخضعون في معتقداتهم الدينية لتأثيرين كبيرين وهما: المؤثرات الميغالتية والهندوسية القديمة، التي ساهمت في تشكيل الثقافة الباتاكية القديمة. فالتأثير الهندي يمكن العثور عليه في أكثر العناصر الأساسية للمعتقد الديني التقليدي، من أمثال تشكیل الكون وأساطير الخلق، ووجود أنفس وبعثها بعد الموت، والتقاليد الشامانية وغيرها.ثها بعد الموت، والتقاليد الشامانية وغيرها. + 58130993 4206 1120927851 + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + , + + , + , + , + , + , + + , + , + + + +
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rdfs:comment أساطير الباتاك (بالإنجليزية: Batak mytholoأساطير الباتاك (بالإنجليزية: Batak mythology)‏، ميثولوجيا الباتاك في سومطرة هي دين تقليدي اختفى اليوم. ولكن الكتب عنه تبين أن شعب باتاك في سومطرة قبل دخولهم الإسلام أو المسيحية كانوا يخضعون في معتقداتهم الدينية لتأثيرين كبيرين وهما: المؤثرات الميغالتية والهندوسية القديمة، التي ساهمت في تشكيل الثقافة الباتاكية القديمة. فالتأثير الهندي يمكن العثور عليه في أكثر العناصر الأساسية للمعتقد الديني التقليدي، من أمثال تشكیل الكون وأساطير الخلق، ووجود أنفس وبعثها بعد الموت، والتقاليد الشامانية وغيرها.ثها بعد الموت، والتقاليد الشامانية وغيرها. , A mitologia Batak é a crença original que A mitologia Batak é a crença original que uma vez foi adotada pelo povo Batak deSumatra Setentrional, Indonésia, nomeadamente antes da chegada das religiões protestantes, católicas ou islâmicas. Existem váriosversões do tarombo (mito dos ancestrais) escritas em pustaha (livros antigos) que os historiadores estudam, mas geralmente se referem às figuras abaixo.s geralmente se referem às figuras abaixo. , Batak mythology is the original belief thaBatak mythology is the original belief that was once adopted by the Batak people of North Sumatra, Indonesia, namely before the arrival of Protestant, Catholic, or Islamic religions. There are various tarombo (ancestor myth) versions written on pustaha (ancient books) which historians study, but generally refer to the figures below. but generally refer to the figures below. , Mitologi Batak adalah kepercayaan tradisioMitologi Batak adalah kepercayaan tradisional akan dewa-dewi yang dianut oleh orang Batak. Agama Batak tradisional sudah hampir menghilang pada saat ini, begitu juga dengan mitologi Batak. Kepercayaan Batak tradisional terbentuk sebelum datangnya agama Islam dan Kristen oleh dua unsur yaitu megalitik kuno dan unsur Hindu yang membentuk kebudayaan Batak. Pengaruh dari India dapat terlihat dari elemen-elemen kepercayaan seperti asal usul dunia, mitos penciptaan, keberadaan jiwa serta bahwa jiwa tetap ada meskipun orang telah meninggal dan sebagainya.ipun orang telah meninggal dan sebagainya.
rdfs:label أساطير الباتاك , Mitologi Batak , Batak mythology , Mitologia Batak
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